Disk Detective Talk

Invitation to join the advanced user group.

  • Pini2013 by Pini2013 translator, moderator

    If you have more than 300 classifications and want to know more about disks planetary systems,
    we invite you to join our Advanced User Group.

    Send an email to diskdetectives@gmail.com "This is where the real adventure begins!"


  • dennispattensr by dennispattensr

    Is this request to be outside of the Zooinverse projects?


  • Pini2013 by Pini2013 translator, moderator in response to dennispattensr's comment.

    No, It's part of Disk Detective Project and Zooniverse.


  • Pini2013 by Pini2013 translator, moderator

    Happy Holidays Detectives!!!

    And don't forget our invitation to join the Advanced User Group


  • Pini2013 by Pini2013 translator, moderator

    If you have more than 300 classifications and want to know more about disks planetary systems, we invite you to join our Advanced User Group.

    Send an email to diskdetectives@gmail.com "This is where the real adventure begins!"


  • TYCEwa by TYCEwa

    Jaki język obowiązuje w grupie zaawansowanych użytkowników ? Na czym polega klasyfikacja w tej grupie? Czy opieramy się na obrazach, czy na opisach? What does language to be in force in advanced users' group ? On what does classification depend in this group? Do we be to base on paintings, or on descriptions?
    I greet,


  • Pini2013 by Pini2013 translator, moderator in response to SUMO_2011's comment.

    Hi @SUMO_2011

    The advanced user group is part of the Disk Detective Project. We use english as the common language between members. My native language is spanish. If you are interested, let us know.



  • jdebes by jdebes scientist, admin

    We're really bummed that we have to rely on people who speak English for the time being, but this is based on the fact that most of the Science team is English speakers. However, if we get enough super-users who are bilingual, we can revisit that. Let's get working on that universal translator!


  • Pini2013 by Pini2013 translator, moderator

    An invitation to all users

    If you have more than 300 classifications and want to know more about disks planetary systems, we invite you to join our Advanced User Group.

    Send an email to diskdetectives@gmail.com "This is where the real adventure begins!"


  • 13lueAngeL by 13lueAngeL translator in response to jdebes's comment.

    Am French speaking here so if ever the need arises to translate, let me know if I can be of any help



  • pete-j by pete-j

    Thank you to everyone who has sent me a welcome.Very much appreciated.

    I thought I would put a public post here - one of thanks. I am usually involved with the Mars Projects (still am). It was a while ago that I blitzed the 1,000 classifications (had to be a round number).



    New Member, Advanced User Group


  • pete-j by pete-j

    Perhaps a late new member...


  • onetimegolfer by onetimegolfer

    At the right time pete-j , At the right time
