Disk Detective Talk


  • marca by marca

    Somewhere I read that you are looking for SED's with one or two camel humps. A lot of objects has just a (nearly) sloping graph. With pleasure I want to look to every SED and search for de humps. Or isn't that wise?


  • marca by marca

    P.S. Because I click a lot of objects as "possible candidate", While they have these "normal" (without humps) SED's


  • jdebes by jdebes scientist, admin

    @marca, feel free to comment on any particularly good looking two humped SEDs with the #goodcandidate hashtag, but right now we are just trying to get good visual classifications of the images regardless of what the SED looks like. We further vet a lot of the candidates after the visual classifications by looking at the SEDs and using existing archival data.
