Disk Detective Talk


  • Jbreit01 by Jbreit01

    In looking at the images and the SED this looks like a late type star. Can you please explain "Insufficient infrared excess" or send me somewhere to read up on it? I am a lay person and have an incomplete understanding.

    After reading all of the literature I could find here a good candidate would be a Late Type Star, YSO, or Early Star. Everything else should be notated here and rejected as a good candidate. As this would fall under the Late Type Star purview, how does it fall under the not a good candidate status?


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator in response to Jbreit01's comment.

    Hi Jbreit01, not all late type stars are dwarfs - main sequence which would be very good candidates, they can be M giants or supergiants too. To check whether an object is a dwarf, we have to check other information e.g. whether it has a llarge parallax > 10 milliarcsec or has high proper motion >30 millarcsec/yr.


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator in response to Jbreit01's comment.

    We also check for "insufficient infrared excess" by going to SIMBAD - VizieR, looking at W1mag and W4mag values, if W1-W4 is less than 0.9, it has "insufficient infrared excess". For this particular object, W1 - W4 is 0.513.


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator in response to Jbreit01's comment.

    Come join our Advanced User Group by sending an email to diskdetectives@gmail.com if you have done more than 300 classifications. "This is where the real adventure begins!"

    Happy Hunting! 😃


  • Jbreit01 by Jbreit01

    Voyager, I applied for your Advanced User Group last week but have not received any response back. How long does it take to be approved? Thanks for the information on #I-IR-E!


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator in response to Jbreit01's comment.

    We will let you know as soon as possible.
