Disk Detective Talk

object doesn't emit blue

  • rpostma by rpostma

    What type of object is this, since it doesn't seem to emit blue? Not a good candidate I suppose...


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator in response to rpostma's comment.

    Hi rpostma, there is no bright target object appears in "DSS2 blue" image could be because it is an ultracool one!

    It is not a good candidate. There are multiple objects inside the red circles.

    You can take a look at the blog post here https://blog.diskdetective.org/2015/03/05/the-disk-detective-faq/

    "Question no. 12"


  • rpostma by rpostma

    Cool! Thanks! Actually, quite a lot of the object are even colder than this one.


  • Shigeru by Shigeru moderator in response to rpostma's comment.

    Don't doubt in bombard us with questions, we all learn together here 😃
