Disk Detective Talk

Quick question

  • Riskker by Riskker

    When it asks if there are multiple objects in the red circle, do they mean anytime or in the end frame only?
    For instance, by the last frame of this particular disk by the disk to me checks out. It's circular, stays within wise, on the crosshairs. The problem is there are multiple objects in the first few frames, although the crosshairs stay locked on or all but on seemingly one object.
    So the question I have is: do we consider each frame in the compilation and judge them individually against all the items we use to rule out whether a disk is a good candidate or not; or for the most part just the last fame?
    Because comparing them to examples of good candidates verses examples that aren't, some that I thought were not candidates have similarities with the examples of a good candidate and vise-versa.


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator

    Hi Riskker, check out our blog on Disk Detective FAQ - http://blog.diskdetective.org/2015/03/05/the-disk-detective-faq, question 3 explains very clearly how you decide whether an image has multiple objects. We mark an image with multiple objects when the objects appear in two bands inside the red circle. If you see an object, more than half of it, sitting on the edge of the red circle, we count as multiple object as well.
