Disk Detective Talk

What color is considered the cut-off for extending beyond the red circle?

  • surfelvis by surfelvis

    In this image, you see that the white area is within the red circle, however, some of the light blue area extends beyond the red circle. Is this a good candidate despite the light blue extending beyond the red circle because the white area is contained within? Also, in this image, the cross-hairs lie near the edge of the white area, but still within it. if the cross-hairs touch some part of the white area is this still considered a good candidate? Or, does the cross-hairs have to be exactly in , or near to, the center of the white area?


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator in response to surfelvis's comment.

    Hi @surfelvis, welcome to DD 😃. The answers to your questions are here : http://blog.diskdetective.org/2015/03/05/the-disk-detective-faq This is not a good candidate. There might be contamination in WISE 4.
