Disk Detective Talk

noisy DSS-images

  • marca by marca

    The 2MASS and WISE-images of this object seems good, but the DSS's are very noisy. How do I classify this object: as 'good candidate' or as 'multiple objects'??


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002 moderator

    Could be multiple objects, very hard to see. Also looks a bit extended.


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    I wish there was a feature to dim the image a bit.


  • Pini2013 by Pini2013 translator, moderator

    in the star forming region W40 /// #star in VIZIER /// it seems a good candidate.

    Some images from WISE: http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/wise/#id=Hydra_wise_wise_1&DoSearch=true&schema=allwise-multiband&intersect=CENTER&subsize=0.20&mcenter=mcen&band=1,2,3,4&dpLevel=3a&UserTargetWorldPt=277.56837;-2.33162;EQ_J2000&SimpleTargetPanel.field.resolvedBy=simbadthenned&coaddId=&projectId=wise&searchName=wise_1&startIdx=0&pageSize=0&shortDesc=Position&isBookmarkAble=true&isDrillDownRoot=true&isSearchResult=true
